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|What Most People Do Not Know About Siemens Apogee

In the world of building automation, Siemens Apogee is the market leader. Its compatibility with a wide range of systems and newer technologies is one of the things that makes it popular. The system has the longest history of software and hardware compatibility in the automation industry. Any new system can be integrated easily into the existing one. Since the system eliminates the need to have costly upgrades, it can help investors to save money.

Experts in the field, as well the developers of the system, look at Siemens Apogee as a forward thinking software that will accommodate all future innovations without being rendered obsolete. For commercial property owners, this means that they do not need to worry about purchasing new automation software in the future just to keep the building up to date with changes in the automation industry.

The scalability of this software is one of the most attractive features. This means that it can be used to automate single to multi-storey buildings. All that is needed is addition of modules. Modular expansion can transform a small automation software into a monstrous control and automation system.

In the world of automation and computer networking, there are communication protocols that are considered the industry standard. TCP/IP is very popular in computer networking while ModBus is commonly used in industrial automation systems. Other types of protocols that are commonly used in the automation industry include OPC, Web, LonWork and BACNet among others. These are all standard open protocols that can work with Apogee.

One of the best things about this building automation system is that it can be used with controllers, networks, devices and building systems from hundreds of other manufacturers. This means that they can be used with existing networks, devices from third parties and controllers from different manufacturers without any problem. This is a very attractive quality for both consumers and technicians.

This system supports a variety of other communication options. These include email with RENO, phone, SMS, Dial-Up, pagers, Web browsers, and Terminal services among others. These communication options can greatly boost the exchange of information between operators and various levels of a building.

Siemens Apogee comes with the best equipment from the same manufacturer. Therefore, users can be guaranteed of getting top-notch performance with almost zero break-down times. The energy efficiency of products from this manufacturers can also help users to minimize their energy bills. This effect will be appreciated in the long run.

There is no other system in the world that gives the owners of buildings more flexibility as Siemens Apogee. The system makes it possible for building systems that have been developed or installed by different companies to be integrated into the existing platform. The interoperability of open protocols used in the system also gives the owners greater flexibility. Upgrading, expanding and optimizing system facilities is also much easier. There are many places where users can get Siemens Apogee. Consumers can also place orders directly from the manufacturer. Only qualified specialists from Siemens can install these systems properly.

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